Narrative – Pitch

There is a hammering on a door, it opens to reveal a dishevelled breathless person, why? How did they get this way…

For my idea of my script I have chosen to use the first example given to us.

The story will begin with the door being hammered on and the occupant of the house, possibly a man in his mid 20’s will open the door. When he opens the door he finds a woman soaked through because of the pouring rain outside, very out of breathe and looking slightly worried. She begins explaining to the occupant that her car had broken down, and when she continues to explain why she is looking so worried the sound of a gunshot is heard. The occupant pulls the woman inside the house looking alarmed and slams the door behind him. The woman then continues to explain that when she was trying to call for help she heard tapping on the glass at the rear of her car. When she turned around a dark black figure was standing at the back of the car. She then says how she was very alarmed and ran to the closest house for help. After she finishes explaining her story footsteps can be heard upstairs and she says, “im really sorry, have I come at the wrong time”, he replies no, im the only one in the house. The two look at each other alarmed in apprehension as to what will happen next.

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