The Beauty Of Photos…

The object that I felt most strongly about in this project was illustrating his life through photographs. Although it sounds like a simple task it was a lot of work. Shelley and me took this task up between us and thought of ways in which we can show his life and finding photographs suitable. The photographs that we collected are a combination between photographs that we have taken ourselves and then photographs that a family friend has taken. Originally I wanted us to take all the photographs ourselves so we can construct situations as we like. However when thinking about it, photos of someone’s life aren’t constructed, they are just pictures documenting their lives. Therefore we found three sets of photographs illustrating our character and his family at different stages of his life. To begin with we seeked photographs to show his childhood, therefore I found baby photos of myself and edited them to make them look suitable for the time Luke Johnson was a baby. Then we had to find pictures which resembled the child but also shown his golfing career at the age of 16-17. Therefore Shelley’s friend supplied us with photographs containing his golfing photographs, as he is a keen golfer. Then thirdly we had to find photographs of Luke Johnson in present day with his baby boy. We found these photographs through Shelley’s dad’s friend who resembled the person in the previous two sets of pictures. It was key for us to find three sets of people at different ages that look like each other to make it more real and believable. I feel that we have been extremely successful in doing this. Once we gathered the photographs together I edited them to make them look like the decade they were from and began to create a photo album. I ordered the photos in chronological order of his life to make it easy viewing for the audience. I find that this is  a key element in the process of creating his life as I am a strong believer that a picture says a thousand words. Below are some pictures of the photo album and a slideshow is also on here containing all the photographs in the album.

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