Hybrid Media referring to Lev Manovich…

Hybrid media is an interesting concept, where the combination of two or more forms of media tools/process’s come together to produce something new.

In relation to what we will have to produce, remixing various forms of existing media to produce something completely new is a relatively new concept, which has been taken further by forms of new media such as “Youtube”. Referring to “Lev Manovich’s Understanding Hyid Media” he said “What gets remixed today is not only content from different media but also their fundamental techniques, working methods, and ways of representation and expression.” This quote discus’s that through the use of Hybrid Media people express their own personalities, such as humor, by remixing existing videos from other creators and make their own, new creations which often have a highly successful viral following.

An example of this would be the news report of the young man who is talking to a journalist about how a man tried to break into his house and rape his sister. Although this sounds like a very serious subject, it actually has been taken in the complete other direction and has been remixed by an individual to take the tone in the completely opposite direction. However im not saying that his remixing skills were so brilliant that he’s made it funny as opposed to horrific, this is helped by the subjects over dramatic reactions to the situation. Below is the original news clip and followed is the remixed version.



This remixed song has now had over 99 million views! In contrast to the original which has had 44 million views. Although both viewing figures are of epic proportion, to think that a remix has more of a following than the actually original piece is amazing!

There are various other topics to discuss, which involve hybrid media, but as a whole, this area is what is relevant to myself, as I will be producing my own forms of this specific hybrid media throughout the module. Overall I think this is a exiting and new concepts, which is discussed in interesting depth by “Lev Manovich”.

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