
After viewing the presentation on Gamification by Catherine Aurelio it makes me realise how there is a world of possibility for interactivity. The idea that a user can become involved in a deeper way with a form of media is exciting and innovative idea. However when I say Innovative I am just talking about the types of Gamification Catherine discus’s as I am aware that interactivity has been used in certain formats for a long time. However it’s the aspect that users can get so much more from the experience that before, earning rewards and just generally becoming more involved in the whole project. From a sales point of view I can imagine that this will/is boosting sales by a dramatic amount and will only increase. This is because although the audience are taking part in the interactive elements produced, they are unconsciously being force-fed advertisements and information from the film/game that the website is promoting. Everyone wishes to be part of the films world when watching a piece they enjoy. For example I think that at some point anyone who has watched harry potter wishes that they could be part of the films world for a day. Therefore the interactivity allows the audience to become part of the films world where they can become part of the experience allowing them to fulfill their desires.

The interesting thing is that there are two types of people benefiting for Gamification. Firstly is the consumer as they benefit from the exciting entertainment they are receiving taking part in the media. But secondly is the creator/advertiser. This is because after they have paid for the production cost to create the website, they then get free endless advertising which users are WANTING to take part in/consume.

Overall in my opinion Gamification is something that is only going to grow and get bigger and will open a whole new world with media. I think the key starting point for consumers recognizing this is when Pottermore comes out of BETA mode and will let the most hardcore fans in the world, take part in what they have often fantasized about.

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