How Filming Went…

After filming the interview part of our piece last week I am very happy with the outcome. Our subject (Flori) was a very interesting character to interview and spoke well in front of the camera and equipment. Initially I was a bit weary of this, as although someone is a confident person, when a camera is stuck in their face, they sometimes freeze up and don’t speak as openly as normal. Fortunately this wasn’t the case.

Flori spoke about the key points of her life, from birth to present day, and divulged information about herself that we didn’t know about when doing the initial research.

The technical side of the interview went well too. Since importing the footage, I am happy with the way the sound has come out. But also I am happy with the framing. When I first did an interview on my Nan, Ken gave me feedback on the way I framed the shot. Because I had framed the shot of my nan so she was slightly to the left of the shot, Ken commented saying that she needed to be more in the center and that the lighting wasn’t very good, due to it all coming from a window directly to the left of the shot. Therefore im glad I had this initial feedback, because when shooting the interview for Flori, I learnt from my mistakes and spent some time making sure that the shot had been set up correctly.
On the day we also filmed one of the sequences, of Flori studying, to represent the education part of her life. Although we still need to shoot a couple more of the sequences, we have the majority of the piece filmed, and the extra parts shouldn’t take long at all, and can be slotted into the edit where appropriate and a later stage. As a whole I am happy with how the shooting of the interview went and all in all we filmed around 35 minutes of interview footage, so we have a lot to work with and only have to use the key points she discus’s.

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