Reflection 2 – People To People Progress…

As a whole the People To People project is going well and very smoothly. This is the first time Im working with the people in our group and im finding that we are working together very well.
When we first began to discuss everyone’s ideas on who their subjects were. We found that everyone had very interesting characters. However it was the practicalities that influenced our opinions of who to film. This was due to Myroslava’s Granddad being not with us anymore, therefore we would have had to have spoken to her father and also my Nan being to emotional to interview as she cried every thirty seconds. Therefore we went with Shelley’s subject, which was Flori, the Romanian girl who hasn’t had the easiest life.

As the project went on, and we found out more about Flori via Shelley, we all felt that this was a very interesting character with a very good story to make a piece about. As time progressed we asked Shelley to speak to Flori about certain topics of her life that we wanted to know about. Shelley then came back with feedback on what she had said and we found that this character had a lot of depth and interesting stories.

I have learnt a lot since the start of this module, such as the styles of documentary pieces and that researching characters is key. This is because it would be very naive of a production team, going in to interview a character and not knowing much about them. Therefore I am really happy that we found out a lot of in depth information about our subject, before going to speak to her.

As mentioned in a previous post, luckily with the feedback on Ken, for a mock interview I did with my Nan, I was informed on what I shouldn’t do when framing a shot. This was because in my previous interview, the subject was to far to the left of the shot and the lighting was coming from one source to the left, therefore causing uneven lighting. This time when I was setting up the shot for the Interview with Flori, I made sure that I wasn’t making any of these mistakes again.

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