TV Studio Progress 5&6…

Progress in the group sessions has come leaps and bounds in the last few weeks.

Once certain elements like the script and the VT’s had been produced, it was clear that our show had more of a narrative and it was easier to have more of a professional run through.

Adnaan our producer has been doing a great job and has been dedicated to make the show succeed, by pulling together everyone’s individual skills.

The one thing our show has been lacking in previous weeks is a guest. This was a difficult dilemma, as we had to practice the interview part with an available crew member. However last week we required a local magician who appears confident and comfortable on camera. But also he adds a bit of humour to the show due to his wit.

Being the Vision mixer I feel that I have had a front row seat to see what the finished show could potentially be like, and at the moment I believe its going to be a success. The only issue we are having at the moment is that the presenters aren’t perfect at their timings yet or where they should be in the script, but I don’t believe this is an issue, as it just requires a bit of practicing.

Ive really been enjoying the role of vision mixer, but have felt at times that there are certain elements that I struggle with, such as Chroma keying titles to go at the bottom. However im not worried about this too much, because If I cant get to grips with it, then we will just have to take them out of the show. However I am going to try my hardest to master the technique.

As a whole I think our group has been working really well together, but as always there are certain people that pull their weight a lot more than others.

Personally im quite proud with my contribution to the show so far, as ive been going beyond my means and doing tasks that a vision mixer shouldn’t actually be doing. But this doesn’t bother me, as I have actually quite enjoyed producing ALL the title VT’s.

One element within our show we have had to change is that we didn’t refer to the show as “Fantasy” as much as we should have been because we were focusing more on the magic aspect, however James (the presenter) has altered the script, and the theme is mentioned a lot more now than before.

As a whole everything is all pretty much finished, it just needs to be rehearsed.  Although the one thing that hasn’t been finished yet is setting up the set, which is worrying me, as this is a crucial visual element to the show, and without it, the show will look really amateurish.

Overall I have really been enjoying the module so far and I am quite confident that we will produce a show that we can be proud of.

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