Category Archives: 105MC Key Concepts

72 hour Project

This is my groups (D4) video for 105mc. The film was shot by Myself and Sarah Matthews and Edited by myself.

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New Media…


This video is a new and unique way to address a specific audience using new media, in this case; Youtube. There are a few sub audiences that can relate to this video, but as a whole the video is aimed at younger people aged between 13-25. The video does also relate to more specific audiences such as Lady GaGa’s fans. Lady GaGa has been chosen specifically for this video by Google because she is currently the artist with the biggest fan base in the world and she represents the unique marketing approach for this video.

Because the target audience is young people, media’s associated with the younger generation have been used in the videos. These include social networking sites, Youtube and viral videos. Many aspects of the video have been considered to impact the audience such as the use of music, the fast paced shots and the all around positive nature of the video. Which is representing to the audience the positive future of Google chrome as it will bring people from around the world together in one platform, being Youtube and Google.

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Personal Opinion On Hemmingways Six Word Story…

“For sale, children’s shoes, never worn”


Is it a story? If not, why not?

In my opinion I believe it is a story, I take the three separate points that are made as a beginning, middle and end. The beginning introduces that there is an item for sale, the middle tells the audience what is for sale, and the end almost tells the audience why they’re for sale. However the end also allows the audience to make there own story up as it is not clear why they are for sale and why they have never been worn.


What is the meaning?

I believe the meaning is whatever the consumer takes from the story. In a way it is a completely open narrative allowing the audience to take from it what they like.


How much information can you get out of it?

The audience can take as much or as little information from it as they’re imagination allows. In my opinion there is just enough information given by Hemmingway for it to be classed as a story but also gives space for the audience to ask and answer they’re own questions?


Who are the people in the story?

It is obviously unclear that we are unaware who the characters are.  My first thought after reading the story is that it is a mother and father, possibly a married couple, who for whatever reason have no need for the children’s shoes anymore.


Where does the story take place and when?

The story gives no information what so ever about the location or time it is set in. Once again it is open to the readers imagination. For reasons unknown to me I set the story in the 70’s or 80’s in America. The reason why they are selling the shoes is because of the loss of they’re child. However this opinion opens up questions such as did they know the child? Was the child not born before they lost it or was it very much alive and born until a tragic incident?


What does the audience have to do to understand it?

I believe the audience very much have to explore their opinions and narrow them down in order to comprehend what they backstory is behind the story.


What do you have to do to know you’ve got it right?

 I believe unless Earnest Hemmingway has told you personally the back story and the meaning behind it the audience will never know.


Why do you think Hemmingway said it was the best story he’d ever written?

I think he thought it was his best story because no one will ever know the backstory behind it, therefore giving it a sense of mystery making it more intriguing for the audience and allowing them to explore the narrative in their own minds.

A Short Discussion About The Media…

When asked: ” Why do you think studying media and communications is important?

David: “It gives us a wider understanding of the world around us and whats going on in it.”

Tom: ” It helps us understand the origins of media, so your not easily influenced”

When asked: “Is studying media and communication important?”

Amani:  “Alot of people thinks its the easy option”

Rebecca: “Its ironic how the media such as newspapers say the worst about the subject”

Sarah: “It is because its always changing, there are no right or wrong answers, it doesnt always follow conventions”

When asked: “What do you hope to find out about this module?”

Sarah: “Why media texts are set out the way they are”

When asked: “Whats the biggest worry or concern youve got?”

David: “Finding a career in the media”