Category Archives: Four Week Project

“Lost In London” Set Photos…

Please refer to my flickr site (To The Right) to see photos from the day of shooting.


For our four week project it is meant to be set in London during the riots, therefore we’ve had to select carefully where we are going to shoot. The following pictures are the locations we’ve selected to film the chase scene when the gang chase the couple.

Film Treatment – Four-week project

  For our four-week project we discussed many ideas for our three to four minute film we are going to produce. Within our group we discussed many genre ideas and initially were set on creating a horror film. After discussing in depth the practicalities and originality if the idea we decided to follow an alternative idea of which we are now set on.

 Our film is going to be a piece based on the recent London riots. To open the sequence we aim to open with news reports from the London, which will set the scene and inform the audience on the path the film will take. The majority of the film will take place at night, partly because the riots mainly took place at night but also because the riots will be easier to portray through darkness, Due to us having no budget we are heavily relying on digetic background noise of smashing glass, sirens and large crowd noises to portray the atmosphere of the scenes.

The story consists of a young couple getting caught up within the riots and a gang of three youths begins chasing them, in which the couple flee for their safety and find refuge in a dark room. The gang begins to hammer down the door and the film will conclude with a shot of the gang finally breaking through. Throughout the film there will be black and white flashbacks showing the audience the couples relationship including their marriage and blossoming love. The use of flashback will be a plot filler for the reason why the gang is chasing the couple. It will include a struggle between a gang member and the boyfriend in which the gunshot goes off and the gang member is either dead or seriously injured.

We took a day during our schedule to walk around Coventry and find locations for our film. We had to select carefully where we were going to shoot, especially the chase scene. The reason we had to do this carefully was so that the audience still felt like they’re were watching a film set in London, therefore we had to avoid landmarks associated with Coventry such as The cathedral and the Lady Godiva statue. For our chase scene we have chosen locations that are quite dark and dingy such as subways and alleyways. The scene were the couple become trapped in the room we think we are going to shoot possibly in a broom closet or storage cupboard to give the vibe that they have just ran into the closest room representing the spontaneity of the situation.

Our film will include five characters, three gang members and the couple. For the gang members, because they are only sub characters, three members of our group are going to play these characters and we are going to cast two drama students to play the couple. We have decided to do this because the couple are meant to put across a lot of  emotion to the audience therefore we need people with good acting ability.

Overall once our film will be completed we aim to create an exciting and emotion provoking piece of which will entertain the audience.