Category Archives: Ker-Pow Project

Ker-Pow Project

We were assigned to create a 12 frame comic book strip illustrating a superhero that we had invented. Our superhero was “Captain Cure” who obtained the power of healing and life giving. During the story he is trying to amend the devistation caused by his arch nemisis “Dr. Devistation” who has the power to take life. We used a combination of photography and drawings to create the comic book strip. The story line is a very basic narrative, in which the Villian kills a member of the public and “Captain Cure” comes and saves him. Little do the audience know is that our superhero is a schizophrenic and his only arch enemy causing the killings is himself! We did this to represent a circlular motion as both characters have the power to give and take life, and they also are having the constant battle of changing personality.

(Group Members: David Bird, Adam Hince, Paige Thomas, Katie Hume, Laura, Thomas Longstaff)

Superhero media producion Ker-Pow coventry university Captain Cure superhero media production coventry university david bird